Various Causes of Thinning Hair


Everyone loses hair. It could happen during a shower, when you are drying it with a blow dryer or when you give your hair a quick brush. On an average, we lose about 50 to 100 hairs a day. This is a natural and a normal cycle. There will be new ones to replace them. But hair thinning can also be a sign of a medical condition  that needs evaluation by a good dermatologist and possible treatment.

 Unlike sudden hair loss, thinning of hair is much more gradual and in some cases, can also result in baldness. Here are various causes of thinning hair in women and men. Hair Loss Due to Genes Hair loss that is genetic is called Androgenetic Alopecia and is one of the most common causes of thinning of hair. While it is not guaranteed that you will experience thinning because of your parents, you will definitely be predisposed to it and there is a strong likelihood of a similar situation occurring. Medications Responsible for Thinning of Hair Certain medications like antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and birth control pills are causes of thinning of hair in women. Birth control pills have hormones that affect the texture of hair. Consult your doctor to find out if you are sensitive to certain medicines that trigger thinning and loss. Hair Loss Due to Stress Factors It is true that thinning of hair can be caused by stress. Situations like childbirth, a prolonged or a serious illness, menopause, a major surgery or drastic weight loss can trigger loss of hair. There is not much that you can do except bide your time until the process slows down. Alternatively, you could also learn how to cope with stress and handle it effectively. Hair Loss Caused by Hypothyroidism Millions of people, especially women, suffer from a thyroid problem. One of the main causes of female thinning hair is an underactive thyroid hormone. This means that the body produces too little of the thyroid hormone, which is responsible for the growth of hair, among other things. Hair becomes more brittle and breaks easily. How to stop hair loss  in these situations? Consult your doctor to prescribe medication to restore your thyroid levels to normal. Regular TSH tests should also be done to ensure that your thyroid levels are in control. Autoimmune Diseases Cause Hair Loss Rapidly thinning hair causes are also attributed to autoimmune diseases.  Autoimmune diseases occur when the body’s own immune system attacks healthy tissues. Women are affected during their childbearing years. Symptoms such as extreme fatigue, headaches, painful and swollen joints and hair loss is seen. Consult a rheumatologist for a joint and tissue problem and a dermatologist for hair thinning treatment. Hair Thinning Due to Iron Deficiency And Anemia Women who suffer from heavy periods or do not eat enough iron-rich food are prone to iron deficiencies. Iron deficiencies occur when the blood does not produce enough red blood cells. Red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body, giving you the energy that you require for several activities, including hair growth.  Eat iron-rich food such as meat, fish, leafy greens and beans.  Consult your doctor for iron supplements, if your iron levels are found to be low.  This may help in hair thinning, along with other benefits. Loss of Hair Due to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) This is caused by a hormonal imbalance where the ovaries produce male hormones. PCOS often results in infertility. Symptoms such as hair thinning, cysts on the ovaries, irregular periods and acne occur during this syndrome. Consult your doctor for treatment. Losing weight could also help decrease the effect of the male hormones. Most hair thinning cases can be addressed by consulting a dermatologist and sometimes by using home remedies. Do not allow the situation to get to the extreme. Find out what causes hair to thin. Address it before it gets severe.